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  • 骨科痛症(腰痛、踝關節扭傷、骨折、術後復健或斜頸(先天性或後天性)

  • 神經系統問題(中風、癱瘓、帕金森氏症)

Smriti Zalpuri-Kumar


印第安納波利斯大學物理治療所 碩士
印度拉克西米紀念學院物理治療 學士

Professional Membership

  • Member of National Senior Chiropractor in China

Board Certificate

  • License of NCCAOM


  • 印度物理治療師協會


  • 英文

  • 印度語

  • 馬拉地語

  • 烏爾都語

  • 旁遮普語

  • 克什米爾語

Dr. Huan Chen is a New York State licensed acupuncturist with over a decade of professional experience. Currently, he is part of Solar Health Physical Thearpy & Acupuncture’s Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture team, serving the Flushing community.

Dr. Chen graduated from Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine back in China. He obtained the Certificate of National Senior Chiropractor when he was still in school. During his outpatient practice year, he had solid professional training from various experienced doctors.

Combining his education and experience, Dr. Chen is adept at incorporating various Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities, such as acupuncture, Tui Na massage, cupping, and herbal medicine. He is specialized in treating a wide range of conditions, including stiff neck, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, bone hyperplasia, lumbar disc herniation, osteoarthritis, and tendon injuries etc.

With his knack of practicing his professional skills and knowledge, Dr. Chen is confident in delivering the highest quality of service to his patients. As a bilingual in English and Chinese, Dr. Chen values the communication with his patients. He prides himself on providing empathic and cultural sensitive care to all his patients. In the meantime, he always stays up-to-date with the latest techniques available.

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