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Yu-Chen Ian Xue


紐約大學 物理治療博士
陽明大學 物理治療暨輔助科技學士


  • 運動傷害

  • 頸肩腰腿痛

  • 頭痛

  • 肩周炎

  • 椎間盤突出

  • 坐骨神經痛

  • 胸肋痛

  • 足跟痛

  • 中風偏癱

  • 面癱


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  • 美國物理治理學會

  • 紐約物理治療學會​


  • 國家針灸療法及東方醫學認證委員會


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Roxanne Luche is a New York State licensed physical therapist currently practicing at Solar Health Physical Therapy & Acupuncture, located in Astoria, NY. She is a caring therapist with a rich experience working with patients of all age groups, from pediatrics to geriatrics.

Roxanne received her bachelor’s degree from Cebu Doctor’s University. After obtaining her degree and license in physical therapy, Roxanne continued her educational pursuit, and is currently a student of Doctor of Physical Therapy at Touro University. From her training, she is skilled at various therapeutic techniques, including the Bobath technique, manual therapy, Kinesio Taping Method, Graston technique, and electrotherapy etc.

Roxanne offers treatment for an array of physical complaints and disabilities. Her services include mobility therapy, movement disorder exercises, sports rehabilitation, post-operative rehabilitation, and physical therapy consultations. Additionally, she is skilled at treating conditions such as arthritis, shoulder pain, back problems, sports injuries, and chronic pain.

By incorporating her experience and knowledge, Roxanne prides herself on providing professional and compassionate care for all patients. She works with each of her patients individually to increase their physical independence and ensure ease in their recovery. She believes that patient-centered therapy is the most effective approach to take care of different individual needs.

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